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I call Peddito Pedometer

(1 edit)

GUYS U DONT BELEVE WHAT I FOUND I FOUND THE MODPACK LINK (it has the mod two) AND THE official MODS (delete them u have the official mods on the mod) GET IT FAST

its not available anymore

well i did said get it fast 

Was there a newer Final Round build or was it the same as here?

(1 edit) is the same me the verson or discord unless u dont have it

I'm using Discord on a browser


i have the mod pack (that i fix) and i have the mod 

can you send me a link to it

i cant if i post this the DEVS will delete it BUT i have an idea,  IF IS IT POSIBLE TO SEND THE FILE FROM REPLY

how to change character?

press down on the tvs

or press alt when you're in the tower

goofy goober goofy goober goofy goober goofy 


goofy goober

can you do chefs kiss demo next bc i cant patch

there's one now

i know this was so late so ya


also genuinely i think you should jump off a damn cliff, cause is for different things and not just pizza tower mods you insignificant degenerate retard

can you add the thumbnail to your patched chef's kiss mod, just askin' (made my me of course)


im uriah0634 i had to make a new acount and you should not say that so i will report you

hop off his dick asshole

i find him everywhere how should i stop being a cocksucker

How to complete the Noise bossfight when Game Crashes at the end of fight...

Only as DOISE

(1 edit) (-1)

How to can i add the source code to the final round?

Is there Rich Presence?

esto no tiene sonido ._.

What did Sebas do to you?

its the game that leaves the message, there are like millions of other FR downloads on here and it always starts with the same thing

(1 edit)

It's a message that comes from the game's coding, Sebas is the guy that leaked the build first before other people posted it here, the message is written by one of the devs because Sebas was a part of the server

is the source code optional?


this have a virus???


this truly is the final round


its the final round thing to do!



action number 1

of Create Event

for object <undefined>:

Error on load

Unable to find function static_get


It's its own .exe file. You just unzip the file and play instead of using pizza oven (which I assume you did) to patch it


final roudrner

final course and round 2 team are gonna have a field day with this one


Huh, so I'm a playtester now?/j


cheesed up is peak

cheesed down is better

what is a cheesed down

find out yourself

what about cheesed left

better yet, cheesed right

the one with gustavo and brick glitch brick just keep disiperin

you're not alone with this situation bud, BUT! i know how to fix it! press alt on your keyboard and character select appears! choose gustavo and brick with new moveset then WALLAH!

dam sebas u in trouble now

The A in the final in the final round logo looks like an among us

I can't unsee it now.

really the mod is reveled an 1 mouth ago



well i wonder

where the hell is noise and how are you supposed to play as him now

(1 edit)

Yeah, how do we do that? Edit: You use alt!

oh so its character select, cool

cant wait too play it right now

I had to delete the mod because my computer started acting suspicious. Very bad lag and a weird note that went along the lines of "F*ck you (name) for betraying me. Next time you betray me I'll leak your face" Or something along those lines. I also saw a folder that said something about a livestream. DO NOT DOWNLOAD!

Deleted 22 days ago

Yeah it's "F*ck you Sebas, BackStab me again and it'll be your face that gets leaked" Sebas is the director of the mod

So I assume Sebas did smth to the leaker and this happend

The F you sebas thing happens EVERY time you open i

ok idk about the "pc started acting suspicious" but the livestream just connects to discord to show that you're playing the game

as for the lag, well, your computer is just terrible.

I am not sure about the "Suspicious" part, And by lag, Your computer might have full ram or it's just bad.

(1 edit)

There's no way i'm downloading this (i'm 99% sure there's a fucking virus in there)



Meh, there's no virus, i already tested it, the builds works and it doesn't have any virus, and also, the build is legit, because it doesn't have Discord RPC. I couldn't put any screenshots of the game in the page because it was too late and i was tired already but here's some. I'm tired of seeing people saying this shit and other mods have virus or any other type of malware.

same, i think the only reason there are lag spikes is possibly because of the code im not sure (also why is the language in spanish wtf)

Idk, maybe the devs are Hispanic, i was expecting the mod to come automatically in Spanish without the possibility to change to English because in many of the teasers it was shown that the mod would be in Spanish

I don't know but I'm Spanish so I'm fine

el mod tiene sonido o no el leak?

Lo extraíste bien? Es común que cuando no extraes bien el archivo los archivos del FMOD se dañen, intenta borrar la carpeta del mod y extraerlo denuevo, sino funciona vuelve a descargar el mod.

bro has the best rhythm game (fnf)

this isn't related or anything but, good job for having super bo noise

Hola, Me di cuenta de que tu juego de Pizza Tower esta en español, Preferirías hablar español? 

I run it, It loads, The game becomes invisible, I use task manager to close Final Round, Repeat

dude. there's no virus on it so shut up and download this MOD

Deleted 125 days ago



Is this safe?

very much so.

Just a fair warning, though, when you launch the game you might get a message that says something along the lines of "Fuck you, Sebas. Backstab me again and it'll be your face that's leaked." This is completely normal. Just click ok and it'll launch the game like normal.

I already know


dang people was uploading the build on i thought i was the first one